My friend John and I began this trek in April of 2018. He worked for a lab and I was retired. He actually was a chemist and I am a calculus (mathematics) major. I told him that we should start into our EV Project slowly and see what happens. We knew that the current EV's in 2018 weren't made to last. When you can only travel 250-300 miles on ONE charge- then you must recharge your vehicle, this needed to be changed.
So, for the remainder of 2018, John and I began to test the titanium batteries that we made with a guy named Rob. He worked for a molding company. He made us eight casings and we inserted what we needed to begin our EV Project in early 2019. I made sure that they both understood that this project wasn't to fail because of what we were trying to accomplish. In February of 2019, we inserted a tiny sheet of sheet metal into the walls and the bottom of the battery casings. By mid 2019, we were testing our 'ancient' equipment off of street towers, high buildings and cellphone towers. We would rig my 2018 Chrysler Pacifica (photo above to the left) with our equipment (back then, a transmitter and two titanium-filled batteries with an antenna that John connected). We were astonished that all of the components worked!
For two years, we kept adding on different components- testing them almost daily. It was actually 'after' John passed away, that I came up with the assembly unit, using one of my laptops. I connected the antenna where we were receiving our signal to recharge the titanium batteries to the laptop. Then I would use calculus-induced formulas to move a power surge through to the titanium batteries. It worked very smoothly.
By March of 2022, I had perfected the stream-flow of energy from this antenna so that the titanium batteries were reacting to a recharge in less than a minute. Learning calculus at a young age was paying off (in my old age). It wasn't until late 2022, where I was searching for another way to surge power, instead of the antenna that I was using. I happen to be in a local library, when I came across the challenges of robotic use. What a find! So, I began testing a robotic arm (that my friend Gilbert made).
By June of 2023, Gilbert and I decided to make the change complete. We began to use just the robotic arm, instead of bouncing power surges off of high buildings and cellphone towers (this was costing us a fortune!) It was August of 2023, when Gilbert and I rigged up a used Tesla and he drove this used beast over 1,900 miles (1,922 miles exactly), on ONE charge! We took out most of the Tesla parts and replaced them with our five components (the robotic arm; the assembly unit, the two titanium batteries and the regeneration unit- filled with a fluid mixture). Devised from different fluids that I put together to make our titanium batteries work with not only power; but to also give these titanium batteries life (to last up to 12 years!) Every 10,000-12,000 miles, changing the entire regeneration unit and fluid. It snaps onto the top of the titanium batteries.
Currently, after one of the tiny wires leading to the assembly unit flawed, we are without any prototypes; because of the break-in at our storage facility! That was the very next morning when we had taken out all of our components from the used Tesla! But I have all of the calculus-induced formulas, all I/we need is the money to move forward with this project. The Biden Administration ('Green Energy') has done nothing to help us- but hinder our efforts? Why? You cannot get more Green Energy then what this EV Project is! The storage facility owner let F.B.I agents come in and remove the video of the gent with a turban on (who stole all of our prototypes; even our electric truck engine that we were beginning to work on). To-date; I have written letters, texted, sent e-mails to sixteen different investors- nothing! F.B.I. agents have either threatened or scared away several of these investors? They sat outside of my residence daily (during the day and at night). Why would they be doing this? I am not under any investigation? I've checked. The EV Project is completed and ready to move forward! The F.B.I. agents have left a listening device on an electric pole, not too many sit here at my residence any longer, as of this past Saturday- March 9th 2024.
All I/we need are the funds to begin. $2.85 billion U.S. dollars to be exact. Titanium costs a fortune! There really are only two locations where we can purchase titanium and the more components one makes, it becomes cheaper. Money would be well-spent!
I am a Vietnam War veteran, served from August of 1966 through to February of 1968. I did serve with Marine Force Recon, 1st Marine Division (DaNang), received two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. Went on 101 combat missions- took 1,552 photos and notes on every single mission. I am the C.O.O.
So, I don't know what's happening? No one is contacting ME about this exciting new way to travel? I just cannot understand this? Oh, we have a few small investors- but we are not at the $2.85 billion dollars needed? But I will take the combination of regeneration fluid to the grave! And THIS is the TRUTH! Our U.S. government is sitting on a $370 billion dollar slush fund for Green Energy?
So, why would our U.S. government be sitting on a $370 billion dollar slush fund and tout Green Energy? Yet, I/We are waiting for them to respond? And have a listening device not a block away from where I live and have a home/office? I surely am not going to give the nine fluids that make up the regeneration fluid, released by the mini-computer in our assembly unit. LOL. Funny. So, I/We wait.
Once we establish a factory/warehouse, then we can begin our trek with the electric engine for our box trucks and semis. That will be a blast! We expect to get 1,500-1,800 miles on just ONE charge! This is with several batteries, of course. No more diesel fuel costs! Just a $255 monthly user fee. That's it! No more oil changes! Cannot wait to begin.
Have been receiving many e-mails from automakers around the world, not just in the United States. "When will your production of the initial components be ready?" One automaker said. A truck maker cannot wait to start building their semi-trucks with our components! 23 e-mails thus far!!
If we receive the funds soon, these auto/truck makers can be making the new 2025 EV's by November of 2024! Waiting on that $2.85 billion? Our government seems the only one who will forward this, with their Green Energy agenda? Send those e-mails, people? WE'VE ASKED webpage (last webpage).
New EV trucks would take a couple of months longer. As we would need to test a box/semi-truck first.
We are a Top Performing Website! Especially, today 04/17/2024. If I do noy hear from anyone from our government here in the United States, I/We will move forward with the two Chinese businessmen as soon as next week. I already have an appointment set with them. It's temporary at the moment, but all I need to do is contact them. They are eager to get this going as we are!!
Haven't heard a word. Not a message, note, letter, telephone call? And this is the Green Energy tout of the U.S.A.? The Biden Administration must love that word "DON'T?" Maybe it has another definition?
It's 4/18/2024 and I/We have decided to accept the offer of the Chinese businessmen. We are not waiting around for this Green Energy fake of an administration. I have an appointment with them for next week. We will be offering our components to America first, then China and Europe. I haven't heard anything from anybody in the Biden administration lately?? Touting Green Energy???
I believe we have a partnership with the Chinese. I cannot believe that the Biden administration didn't have the decency to even contact me/us? The Green Energy gurus? What type of green energy are they into? Just incredible! "DON'T!" Laughable! And over 300+ missiles/drones were aimed at a free-loving country, Israel? "DON'T!" Pa-leeeeze..
It's April 19th 2024. No movement yet; but I was sent this article:
Gas Stations Out, Charging Up! Why More Companies are Switching to Electric Fleets (
I wanted to laugh? Take a LQQK SEE at the bottom of our last webpage? These 300-mile beasts will catch fire, over 1,800+ fires of these beasts just in the past two years around the globe!!!
04/20/2024 Very nice!
Working on a deal for the $2.85 billion dollars. In progress!
The number of fast charging stations in the US is growing rapidly. A recent analysis found that nearly 600 new stations came online in just the first three months of 2024 – that’s a 7.6% jump! One charging station for every 15 gas stations! And EV's can still only travel up to 300 miles on ONE charge? LOL! I was rolling on the floor when I read this article!
I just sent this to President Biden:
"Dear Mr President:
You must be receiving a kickback from these owners of charging stations? LOL! I read an article where there is one charging station for every 15 gas stations? Almost fell on the floor! Laughing sooo hard! We have a solution for this: It's called
We can have any EV travel 1,800-2,400 miles on ONE charge! With our regeneration fluids coming into our titanium batteries!! And with this- there's only a :40 second wait inside your EV while driving? This is what EV owners want- NOT what you're shoving down their throats!!
Have a great day! Oh, we seek $2.85 billion dollars to get this going. From your $370 billion dollar slush fund? I had my laugh for this day..
Later, Mr Joe Biden, the President of half of these United States, not including ANY EV owner, nor automaker, nor truck maker."
D Recon Cesario C.O.O.
An investor (or federal government) can even name a co-treasurer with our Stephanie?
And so the suffering goes ON with EV owners and now mandates for trucking manufacturers by 2027! Just incredible. So I/We will sit and wait. Come to papa! Our leaders and this administration have failed us thus far (with the electric vehicle market). Building more charging stations isn't the answer!
Now as I walked in the door to my home/office. I turned on my desktop and saw this:
"Researchers are testing out a highway to charge your EV while you drive"
The BIG problem is (on 04/22/2024) that Charter Electric Organization, LLC came in with our five components at a time when our government is trying to establish EV charging stations and road access for EV's that won't work! Even at a fifty-mile stretch; an EV would need to stop for :30-:50 minutes to complete a recharge back to 100%? With our components in any EV, recharging only takes :40 seconds, SECONDS? President Joe Biden?
It all comes down to the 300-mile beast that all EV owners are stuck with? Our five components will overcome in the end, as we can change out the current components that cannot give the EV owner more than 300-miles. Our components give 1,800-2,400 miles on ONE charge! You can build as many EV charging stations as you want and/or EV roads- and NOT get the charging power as we have!
Our robotic arm (powered by calculus-induced codes and formulas); our assembly unit (which includes an HP mini-computer); our two insulated titanium batteries and our regeneration fluid with NINE fluids that makes for the smoothest ride in an electric vehicle that you'll ever experience!
We'll sit back and wait for the $2.85 billion U.S. dollars. Someone will have the brain power to move forward with our EV Project! Eventually. Electric engineering at its finest!
Now as I watched Fox News this afternoon (Sandra & John) I watched, as many of our potential workers did, to see if either Sandra or John would ask him, Pete Buttigieg, about electric vehicles- on how our government is wasting money? Not a word was said (about his lying to them the last time he was on?) So, this will be the last time I watch Fox News. This goes for many of our potential workers! The government is hiding the truth from electric vehicle owners. It's all within this website. Everyone, have a beautiful week.
It's 04/28/2024 Sunday:
I've spoken to a few investors and some who know investors. I have three investors where we could make hundreds of millions- but NOT own the company any longer? I/We are seriously thinking on this? But that would leave almost a hundred workers out? I am NOT like that. I/We will wait a little while longer.
Early 05/01/2024
Tesla Axes Most of Supercharger Team in Blow to Other Automakers (
I explained to Elon Musk all about our components. I wonder if he will try and duplicate our components and our regeneration fluids? I didn't give him the ingredients. But he now knows that the 300-mile beasts cannot sell! He's desperate. There are eight calculus codes and formulas that make this all work, along with ten regenerations fluids. Six years of constant testing!
Late in the EVENING 05/07/2024
Spoke to one of the South Koreans early this morning. The two gents are waiting for this lady to make up her mind. She also is South Korean. Then I spoke to two EV owners after 12 noon. They cannot understand why President Biden is taking his time trying to decide if he will back our corporation? I would rather keep our components in the United States. Not saying that I/We won't sell our products to other countries. I'm sure of that. But they both have had troubles with their EV's. One told me that when we had that cold spell- she almost froze to death, because it was -12 degrees and she was stuck at 11 PM, no one around. She had to walk to a nearby home to get help. Roadside assistance didn't get there until 12:30 AM! Waiting on one of four investors to come through with the $2.85 billion dollars..
We now have written to investors (who may be interested) in:
Belgium; Italy; Australia; France; and of course, the three South Korean investors. Still waiting on our U.S. government? Exactly 31 letters, e-mails and two telephone calls during the past five months.
I finally received a telephone call from a House member that wants what we have. Even though she's NOT in the Biden Administration. I spoke with her for :20 minutes. It was difficult for her to get to me. She had to e-mail me and then I sent her my telephone number. I don't want to put our 800# out just yet- I would receive too many calls before we would even open our doors.
OK, now! Another telephone call from a Democratic Senator! This is getting interesting. This person told me that he read through our website and he would only buy an electric vehicle if our products were in there! Wow~! He would urge President Biden to send us the money needed to open our doors. I like this. So, I/We will just sit back until a few more people in Congress contact us.
Update. I spoke to two of the three South Koreans early this morning (3 AM CST). They are waiting on the South Korean lady to see if she wants "in" on their investment? I also was sent an e-mail from a U.S. Senator (that's three). She likes what we offer in electric vehicles, but it's President Biden's call.
Update. I spoke with a Chinese businessman earlier today. He said that their "Seagull" (tiny EV) wants what we have! But they want 75% of the profit for $3 billion U.S. dollars? We cannot survive on 25%? I have gone through the numbers many times? Not feasible with just 25%. I told him: "When you come down to 65%, then we would have a deal." Their Seagull only costs $11,000. Wow~!
So, this gent from Saudi Arabia writes ME this long letter in Arabic (?) OK. So, I did get my friend from the U.A.E. to meet ME at a local restaurant to explain what this individual wanted to say. And the entire message was about how electric vehicles would be high demand there on that continent. But as we all know- that region is where oil is produced! He then will check with the leaders in the countries in the region- to see if it would be OK for him and his brother to send Charter Electric Organization the $2.85 billion U.S. dollars. Would be nice. We would eventually need to build a factory/warehouse there in Saudi Arabia. So, this is another investor that we have. I still would like to start here and keep our 100% ownership. That's the other thing. He and his brother want 50%. I need to explain to them about how we need to keep that 100% ownership in case we go public.
Still waiting on a few investors? Someone sent ME this in an e-mail:
"Ford Cuts Production of Biden's Favorite EV: The F-150 Lightning!" Wow! Didn't see this coming? I believe the EV automakers (trucks) are waking UP? Their 300-mile beasts and the problems with their batteries are the main reason. I did write President Biden an e-mail about this too. He and our government are sitting on a $370 billion dollar Slush Fund for Green Energy? We are a non-pork corporation too. What is he waiting for. We are only asking for $2.85 billion dollars. A small amount.
So, another investor is scared away by our U.S. government? What I don't understand, if they are scaring away our potential investors- and won't give us ANY money to operate; then there is only ONE answer. They want more recharging stations to succeed. Which will be an utter failure! For sure. EV owners don't want MORE charging stations. They want MORE miles to travel on ONE charge with their EV's. This is the answer! And the waiting times to recharge back to 100%- :40 minutes to two hours!!
With the CharterX5 system- :40 second recharging time back to 100%! This makes 19 potential investors that have been frightened by our U.S. government; to include four other countries!
Still speaking with four different investors (including the U.S. government); but each has different perspectives on how they want to give us money. When I mentioned that they would be receiving 65% of the "net" profits, their ears perk UP! But they all confused this with ownership- which is at 0%. We need to give this to shareholders (if we go public?) And so, we are right back where we started.
Not much going on this Saturday. A relaxing day! Spoke to a Chinese businessman out of Hong Kong. Nice conversation. He's working out of China to get ME the money for our EV Project! Finally, somebody who understands why the EV Marketplace must make improvements.
Honorable Sen. Durbin: (of Illinois)
Plagiarism is against the law when it comes down to what we've accomplished. Not saying anything or accusing anybody of this. But our lawsuit would start at $150 billion U.S. dollars if ANYONE of our components are used in any "new" system that comes out and offered to automakers or the public. We are keeping track of every "new" system out there. We have used calculus-driven formulas and codes that generates the power needed to make our components work properly. Have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend, Senator. Sent 05/27/2024 2:55 AM CST
cc: Bob
Our components have a Patent-Pending on every part used (8 patents total)
Tesla Competitor (Lucid) Lays Off Hundreds of Workers As Other EVs Lose People! We are waiting for money to open our doors and ALL of these people can retain their jobs!!
LOL! China's $11,000 EV/Hybrid can travel 1,200 miles on ONE charge? I'm still LOL? Any hybrid is supposed to get those miles. It runs on petroleum (my friend Danzik states) He lives on the mainland. He sees them all of the time. It's the cost that is supposed to get consumers to buy them. Funny.
June 6th, 2024:
As of this date, we now have many angel investors to our cause. Please become a DONOR on our Homepage (down near the middle). We need between $750 million and $1.42 billion dollars. We thank you always. Our doors will be open soon! We have our capes ON!! EV's need to be SAVED!!!
June 19th.
EV-maker Fisker has filed for bankruptcy. Charging has been disrupted across the United States!!
June 20th Summer is upon us all.
August 14, 2024:
Volkswagen, Stellantis join auto industry in disclosing EV battery information amid safety woes, Their batteries made with cobalt and lithium are dangerous! Our batteries have a lifetime warranty!! Good for the LIFE of the electric vehicle.
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